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I like to read a lot of books, both fiction and nonfiction, on topics including technology,
management, philosophy, science fiction, fantasy, and other educational works. Here's what I've
been reading recently.
Financial Analysis, Trading Techniques:
Trading for a Living, by Jonathan Elder
(and study guide).
Mortgage & Mortgage-Backed Securities Markets, by Frank J. Fabozzi
and Franco Modigliani.
Modeling the Market: New Theories and Techniques, by Sergio Focardi
and Caroline Jonas.
Options: A Personal Seminar, by Scott H. Fullman.
The SOES Bandits Guide, by Harvey I. Houtkin.
Introduction to Futures & Options Markets, by John C. Hull.
Options, Futures, and other Derivative Securities, by John C. Hull.
Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives,
by Salih N. Neftci.
Interest-Rate Option Models, by Riccardo Rebonato.
Quantitative Analysis for Investment Management,
by Robert A. Taggart, Jr.
The Math Behind Wall St, by Nicholas Teebagy.
Review: B
Wall Street History:
The Predators' Ball, by Connie Bruck.
Barbarians at the Gate, by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar.
Wall Street: A History, by Charles R. Geisst.
Startup, by Jerry Kaplan.
Manias, Panics, and Crashes, by Charles P. Kindleberger.
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, by Edwin Lefèvre.
Liar's Poker, by Michael Lewis.
The ABC of Stock Speculation, by S. A. Nelson.
Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager.
The New Market Wizards, by Jack D. Schwager.
Rampaging Bulls, by Alexander Tadich.
Traders: The Jobs, the Products, the Markets, by David M. Weiss.
Searching for SNTF:
A Guy's Guide to Dating, by Brendan Baber and Eric Spitznagel.
Review: B
How to Succeed with Women, by Anthony F. Badalamenti, Ph.D.
Review: A-
2002 Ways to Find, Attract and Keep a Mate, by Cyndi Haynes and Dale Edwards.
Review: B
Nice Guys Don't Get Laid, by Marcus Pierce Meleteon, Jr.
Review: B+
The Code, by Nate Penn and Lawrence LaRose.
Review: B
The 100 Best Ways to Meet People, by Ben White.
Review: D
Other Non-Fiction:
The Dilbert Principle, by Scott Adams.
Winnie-the-Pooh on Success, by Roger E. Allen and Stephen D. Allen.
Taking Responsibility, by Nathaniel Branden.
Gödel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas R. Hofstadter.
Rites of Passage at $100,000+, by John Lucht.
Power Schmoozing, by Terri Mandell.
Mind Tools: The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality, by Rudy Rucker.
Review: B
The Millionaire Next Door, by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko.
Future Shock, by Alvin Toffler.
The Third Wave, by Alvin Toffler.
PowerShift, by Alvin Toffler.
Creating a New Civilization, by Alvin and Heidi Toffler.
The Mafia Manager, by V.
Decline & Fall of the American Programmer, by Edward Yourdon.
Rise & Resurrection of the American Programmer, by Edward Yourdon.
How Not to Play Chess, by Eugene Znosko-Borovsky.
Review: B+
Better Chess for Average Players, by Tim Harding.
Review: A
Chess Openings: Traps and Zaps, by Bruce Pandolfini.
Review: B
Best Lessons of a Chess Coach, by Sunil Weeramantry.
Review: B-
More Red Meat, by Max Cannon.
Review: B+
CrashCourse, by Wilhelmina Baird.
The Postman, by David Brin.
Bombardiers, by Po Bronson.
Orca, by Steven Brust.
Freedom & Necessity, by Steven Brust and Emma Bull.
Review: F
Mindplayers, by Pat Cadigan.
Review: C
Synners, by Pat Cadigan.
Review: F
The Takeover, by Stephen W. Frey.
Review: B
The Lifeship, by Harry Harrison and Gordon R. Dickson.
Review: B
The Gap into Conflict: The Real Story, by Stephen R. Donaldson.
The Gap into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge, by Stephen R. Donaldson.
A Dark and Hungry God Arises: The Gap into Power, by Stephen R. Donaldson.
Chaos and Order: The Gap into Madness, by Stephen R. Donaldson.
This Day All Gods Die: The Gap into Ruin, by Stephen R. Donaldson.
Neuromancer, by William Gibson.
Body Armor: 2000, edited by Joe Haldeman.
The Turing Option, by Harry Harrison and Marvin Minsky.
The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues, by Harry Harrison.
A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah!, by Harry Harrison.
Starship Troopers, by Robert A. Heinlein.
Review: A+
Dune, by Frank Herbert.
Dune Messiah, by Frank Herbert.
Children of Dune, by Frank Herbert.
God Emperor of Dune, by Frank Herbert.
Heretics of Dune, by Frank Herbert.
Chapterhouse: Dune, by Frank Herbert.
The Once and Future King, by T.H. White.
The Book of Merlyn, by T.H. White.
Nine Princes in Amber, by Roger Zelazny.
The Guns of Avalon, by Roger Zelazny.
Sign of the Unicorn, by Roger Zelazny.
The Hand of Oberon, by Roger Zelazny.
The Courts of Chaos, by Roger Zelazny.
Trumps of Doom, by Roger Zelazny.
Blood of Amber, by Roger Zelazny.
Sign of Chaos, by Roger Zelazny.
Knight of Shadows, by Roger Zelazny.
Prince of Chaos, by Roger Zelazny.
I am currently reading:
Impact of Genius : Five Hundred Years of Grandmaster Chess, by Richard E. Fauber.