Lemme tell ya a story. It's got a happy ending...
A young man with a promising career in technology fell in love with a beautiful woman. Now, he wasn't rich; his career had really just started, but he knew if he applied himself, he would do well. The lovely girlfriend was gorgeous, and she loved him; plus, they also had a lot of fun ...IN BED!
Now the man had been extremely lonely before meeting her, and he had always wanted to be married, to live happily ever after, forever and ever, and never have to be alone again. He didn't want just anybody though, he wanted someone who was smart, educated, did not want kids, had similar political views, was not a religious nut, someone who was conservative fiscally, yet liberal to moderate socially, and someone who enjoyed doing simple fun things like going to movies, eating out, going for walks, and just being together.
They decided to get married, even though many people thought they were rushing things. But this did not deter them; they were so sure they were right for each other, after all, they were very compatible in so many respects.
So they got married and had a wonderful honeymoon. As newlyweds they had lots of fun times, but it quickly wore off and life became more or less normal. The young man was content with this personal life and decided to work on improving his career.
Unfortunately for him, the lovely young woman changed her political views, starting spending all of their money on junk, and demanded that they have children. She started to complain that the house was always a mess but she never did any of her share of the housework. Basically, in less than three years, she became the opposite of what she was before. And they fought and argued and there was a lot of yelling, screaming, and slamming of doors.
For a while the man thought he had done something wrong, and if he could just fix it, he could repair the relationship, and things could return back to normal. But the more he examined the problem, the more he realized that the problem was that she simply changed. Completely. While she met all of his criteria as the ideal mate back when they were engaged, she had now changed into a monster. A monster he could no longer manage.
And even though she was supposedly a religious person from a church that did not believe in divorce, even though she had promised just a few months earlier that she would never, ever leave, even though she said she would rather kill herself than suffer the shame of divorce and that she would always work to straighten things out, well, it just didn't matter in the end. She decided she wanted a divorce anyway.
And so, they broke up, and got divorced. And the man eventually recovered from the nasty financial losses, but he was always extremely very lonely after that, and he had no idea how he could ever trust another person ever again.
Needless to say, this made him very depressed indeed.
Meanwhile, history was repeating itself all around him. All of his single friends started to get engaged and married, and all of his married friends started having serious problems with their marriages. Some of them also got divorced. This gave him a very sickening feeling.
This went on for months, and all he could see was darkness, doom, and despair.
If he was a different person, a weaker person, he would have killed himself. But that was just not in his character. However, there are other alternatives to suicide, such as taking risks, developing odd habits, and losing your mind. These things bothered him as they endangered his health and future.
Finally one day, we come to the part about the happy ending.
I lied about the happy ending.