
Starring: Jeremy Irons, Melanie Griffith, Dominique Swain

Directed by: Adrian Lyne

Distributed by: Samuel Goldwyn

Genre: drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B- B- B-
Review by Xibo Date seen: November 14, 1998
Viewing Location: Union Square, NYC Grade: B-
Summary: Would have been better with full frontals.
Lolita's been out for quite a while but I just wanted to try out the new Union Square 14-screen multiplex with stadium seats. It was nice! Anyway in the film Jeremy Irons does a splendid job (as usual) as the old lech of a man who falls for the young Lolita. Melanie Griffith plays the mother. The story is pretty well-told, although the mystery and drama all falls out as the motives are revealed and we are left with a sad old man with a problem. Which, I guess, was the point. If you're looking for nudity, forget it, there's just one scene, and it's dark, and it's a stunt cunt.  

B- B- B-
Review by smeehrrr Date seen: January 24, 2000
Viewing Location: The Evil Empire Grade: B-
Summary: Unfortunately not kiddy porn
I can't help but think that this movie might have been more effective if we got to see lots of Dominique Swain running around naked. As it is, there's virtually no naked. Jeremy Irons turns in a creepy performance as Humbert, Swain is decent as Lolita, and Melanie Griffith is her usual awful self. The Kubrick Lolita is way, way better (although also lacking in nudity), rent that instead. 

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