Saving Private Ryan

Starring: Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore, Tom Hanks, Barry Pepper, Ted Danson, Edward Burns, Paul Giamatti, Giovanni Ribisi, Vin Diesel

Directed by: Steven Spielberg

Produced by: Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks SKG, Amblin Entertainment, Mutual Film Company

Distributed by: Paramount, Dreamworks

Genre: war

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: July 26, 1998
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: C
Summary: War is hell and so is this movie.
Tom Hanks stars as a World War II infantry captain who is assigned to go find one lost soldier in the middle of the war. That's the plot. The movie is an extremely gruesome and "realistic" depiction of what is really like, with more fake blood than you'd see at a Skinny Puppy concert. I think Steven Spielberg just wanted to out-do Platoon, personally. The movie is very successful with the special effects, sets, and gore. However, the end result is not entertaining. Basically you have to sit through three hours of hell, and watching everyone die. This will probably win oscars but I personally was not satisfied that the time was well-spent. 

Review by smeehrrr Date seen: January 27, 2000
Viewing Location: The Evil Empire Grade: B
Summary: OK, I've seen it, now I don't need to see it again
The first fifteen minutes of this movie leave you so ass-battered that it's amazing they expect you to watch the rest of the film. Then Tom Hanks goes on a quest for the elusive Private Ryan, which is less interesting and less successful. This movie is certainly worth watching once, I don't know that you'd ever want to repeat the experience, though. 

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