Baby Driver

Starring: Kevin Spacey, Ansel Elgort, Jon Hamm

Directed by: Edgar Wright

Produced by: TriStar Pictures

Distributed by: TriStar

Genre: crime drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: July 22, 2017
Viewing Location: Delray Beach, FL Grade: C
Summary: Good driving stunts. Story was weak.
Kevin Spacey isn't at his best here, playing a criminal mastermind who hires sub-par crazy crooks for a series of bank robberies. For some unknown reason, he keeps robbing banks in the same town until things eventually, inevitably, go wrong. It doesn't make much sense. And the female love interest completely falls in love with the foolish kid, for life, based on nothing really. So the story kinda sucks. The action scenes are good, though. Great driving stunts. Not a lot of movies do those anymore. 

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