Sex and Death 101

Starring: Winona Ryder, Robert Wisdom, Simon Baker

Directed by: Daniel Waters

Produced by: Avenue

Distributed by: Anchor Bay

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: February 24, 2009
Viewing Location: Netflix DVD Grade: A-
Summary: Very funny and a little sexy
Simon Baker is amazing in The Mentalist. Right before that, he did this little movie with Winona Ryder and Daniel Waters (Heathers). The movies is all about sex with lots of T&A but no full frontals. It's very well written and highly amusing at times. It's based on a unique premise that Simon's character is given a list of the 101 women he's had or will have sex with, which leads him to incredible confidence in hitting on women and getting laid-- until he nears the end of the list.  

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