Bridget Jones's Diary

Starring: Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant

Produced by: Working Title Films, Studio Canal

Distributed by: Universal, Miramax

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Finrod Date seen: January 1, 2004
Viewing Location: satellite Grade: A-
Summary: Seems like a chick flick, but amusing to guys too
Disclaimer: I haven't read the book (Diary of Bridget Jones), so my take is based on the movie alone.

This is the kind of movie that looks like a date movie, but is just as amusing for guys. Renee Zellweger does a great job of playing a sarcastic 30-something whose dating adventures have tended towards the tragic, and whose family life really isn't that much better. Her character has a sarcastic bluntness that's rarely seen, and almost always in male characters, which gives the whole movie this kind of almost reversed-gender-role oddness. Colin Firth and Hugh Grant do well as kind of a yin and yang of British guyness that she is pulled between for the course of the movie.  

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