Mickey Blue Eyes

Starring: Hugh Grant, James Caan, Jeanne Tripplehorn

Directed by: Kelly Makin

Produced by: Castle Rock Entertainment, Simian Films

Distributed by: Warner Bros.

Genre: crime drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B- B- B-
Review by Xibo Date seen: September 26, 1999
Viewing Location: Guttenberg Grade: B-
Summary: A lighthearted, mildy amusing mafia tale.
Hugh Grant plays a guy who falls in love and is about to be married when he discovers that his wife-to-be's relatives are all in the mafia. James Caan hams it up as the father who pulls his future son-in-law into some mafia dealings, which leads to some wacky hijinks featuring many stars that show up in typical mafia movies. Unfortunately the movie isn't really meant to be a spoof, so it falls somewhere in between, and never really clicks. There are several pretty funny bits though, it's worth watching it for those. 

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