
Starring: Alicia Silverstone, Jeff Goldblum

Directed by: Brett Leonard

Produced by: TriStar Pictures

Distributed by: TriStar

Genre: drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B- B- B-
Review by Xibo Date seen: March 4, 1995
Viewing Location: Paramus, NJ Grade: B-
Summary: If you return from the dead, you gain powers!
This is a movie about a man who has a car accident, dies, and is somehow revived after being out for two hours. This gives him a trip to the "other side" where he acquires some sort of "gift". Meanwhile, another person who had been revived after being out for so long is lurking the streets... he also had received a gift, but his visit was to a dark and red place, not the light and blue place our lead saw. This leads to a generic conflict between good and evil. There's some neat computer-generated special effects, and one is forced to wonder if these were discovered and then someone decided to write a movie around them. 

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