Judge Dredd

Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Rob Schneider, Jurgen Prochnow, Armand Assante, Max von Sydow

Directed by: Danny Cannon

Produced by: Cinergi

Distributed by: Buena Vista

Genre: science fiction

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: June 30, 1995
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A
Summary: Absolutely superb! I wonder if there's a comic book?
Sylvester Stallone plays Dredd in this nice movie adaptation of the comic book. It's very well done, with great special effects, sets, costumes, and a decent script. The only sad thing about the movie is the sound editing... in several places the lip-sync is so bad that the audience started laughing. 

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