First Knight

Starring: Sean Connery, Richard Gere, Julia Ormond

Directed by: Jerry Zucker

Produced by: Columbia Pictures Corporation

Distributed by: Columbia

Genre: fantasy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: July 7, 1995
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A
Summary: Pretty good take on the Lancelot story.
Sean Connery stars as King Arthur in this movie about Sir Lancelot (Richard Gere) and his affair with the King's wife. It's a sad love story, and an action-adventure film, too. The battle scenes are much different from Braveheart and Rob Roy; the knights wear much fancier armor, which appears to glow blue-silver in the night. The violence is nowhere near as nasty as in Braveheart. The acting is pretty good, but Connery's role and lines just aren't up to the power that the actor possesses. They wasted him, basically. Gere put in a fine performance, though. 

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