
Starring: Molly Shannon, Will Ferrell

Directed by: Bruce McCulloch

Produced by: SNL Studios

Distributed by: Paramount

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



C- C- C-
Review by Xibo Date seen: October 23, 1999
Viewing Location: Guttenberg Grade: C-
Summary: Like the SNL skit, stretched out.
This is a quite forgetable flick that's based on Molly Shannon's popular SNL skit. Of course, we've seen most of these jokes before, or in the trailers, so there's simply not a lot of new material here to enjoy. Ha ha okay what else is on. 

C+ C+ C+
Review by tmon Date seen: December 31, 2000
Viewing Location: NYC Grade: C+
Summary: Dumb fun, maybe too dumb.
Not Oscar material. Not much more than SNL offered. Why, I ask, why? 

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