Winter Sleepers

Directed by: Tom Tykwer

Produced by: X-Filme Creative Pool, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Arte

Distributed by: WinStar Cinema

Genre: drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B- B- B-
Review by Xibo Date seen: April 20, 2000
Viewing Location: Angelika, NYC Grade: B-
Summary: Almost the opposite of Run Lola Run.
This movie is by the same director as the fabulous "Run Lola Run" but it simply can not compare to that great film. It turns out that Winter Sleepers (in german with subtitles) was actually released three years ago and is only now being shown in the US. So, Tykwer made this film before Run Lola Run. The movie starts out extremely well, with an outstanding combination of camera work and sound, and for a few minutes I thought this would be another masterpiece. But after the car wreck, this movie just wanders its slow, miserable way through the remaining two hours, becoming a mystery with pieces to be solved. Obviously Tykwer learned a lot and improved greatly after this movie, so that begs the question, what will his next movie be like? 

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