Spy Hard

Starring: Nicollette Sheridan, Andy Griffith, Ray Charles, Hulk Hogan, Joyce (Dr.) Brothers, Leslie Nielsen, Marcia Gay Harden

Directed by: Rick Friedberg

Produced by: Hollywood Pictures

Distributed by: Buena Vista

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



C+ C+ C+
Review by Xibo Date seen: May 24, 1996
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: C+
Summary: Sometimes Leslie Nielsen is hilarious! Not this time.
Leslie Nielsen stars in the spoof of various spy films, in his usual comic style. The film has lots of minor laughs and sight gags, but in many places it just gets annoying with stupidity, which is probably residue from Nielsen's recent Mel Brooks film. It's an okay movie but I wouldn't make it a priority. 

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