Dante's Peak

Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton

Directed by: Roger Donaldson

Produced by: Universal Pictures, Pacific Western

Distributed by: Universal

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: February 9, 1997
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: B
Summary: A volcano movie, how original.
Pierce Brosnan stars as a government geologist who studies volcanic activity in this action/disaster film about a volcano that erupts over a small mountainside village. There is a love interest, of course, but the plot really doesn't have much time to develop before the eruption happens and we're off to the races with special effects. Technically, it's a great feat, and the cinematography is great, but the story isn't much of a story. Sadly, with a year packed with disaster films, the concept gets a little tired after a while. 

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