L.A. Confidential A+ 10/4/1997 9:15pm Secaucus A modern masterpiece, this tale of intrique in the 1950's LAPD has quite a few twists and turns that keep you interested. The sets and costumes are wonderfully done, even if a bit overdone at times. The depth of the characters was much better than normal fare; this is definitely one of the best movies of the year. A smart film, an action-packed crime drama, it manages to be several things at once without being chaotic. Highly recommended. In & Out A- 10/10/1997 9:30pm Edgewater A feel-good date movie for the 90's, this is the comedic story about a schoolteacher who is "outed" by one of his former students, during the Oscars. Unfortunately, he was not aware that he was gay, and was, in fact, scheduled to be married in three days. Tom Selleck co-stars as the gay reporter covering the story. A cute, fun film that reduces a complex "adult theme" topic into an everyday one. U-Turn D 10/25/1997 4:15pm Secaucus Sean Penn stars as an extraordinarily unlucky con man suffering a load of bad karma in this grotesque film about the insane people in Superior, Arizona. Superior is presented as a very small town in the middle of nowhere, and I've been there, and it's not as bad as presented in the film. The movie is very choppy and chaotic, much like Natural Born Killers, but it's longer, and being drawn out is a bit torturous for the audience. By the end of the second hour you just want to see everyone in the movie get killed off.