The Prince of Egypt B+ 1/1/1999 3:10pm Wilmington If it wasn't for the sappy songs, it would have been an excellent film. As it was, it was still really good, especially the special effects. Sooner or later, these movie-makers are going to realize that it's just not necessary to put stupid songs into an animated film, that it can stand on its own merits as a film! Until then, we are going to see the wonders of new technology achievements in animation spoiled by insipid songs. The computer-generated animation mixed very well with the regular painted animation, and certain scenes were extremely well done, including the river, the wrath of God, parting the river, and Moses's dream. The Faculty B 1/10/1999 7:15pm Guttenberg Robert Rodriguez directed this horror flick. He does a good job, and I wasn't aware it was Rodriguez until the end credits. He's capable of much better work, and I hope this doesn't start a nasty trend of him getting pigeon-holed into doing just horror movies. The film itself is okay, but the cast is kinda lame, 'cept for Robert Patrick's role as the football coach. The plot is basically a cross between Heinlein's "The Puppet Masters" (mentioned in the film!) and your typical high school teen angst dreck. The special effects are pretty good, and for a horror flick the overall movie is above average. Rodriguez has done better in the past though, like Desperado and From Dusk 'til Dawn. The Thin Red Line B- 1/16/1999 8:45pm Secaucus I'm not sure what the point of this movie was. It dragged on for three hours and was pretty boring most of the time. I guess they wanted to make an all-star answer to Saving Private Ryan. It wasn't as horrific, thankfully. It tells the tale of the capture of Guadacanal, and presents the horrors of war (as if we needed convincing that war is horrible). It also (sadly) tries to throw a liberal bent to it, making like we were evil to fight the japs. Hello? They bombed us in our country... they had to be defeated. Anyway, Nick Nolte and Sean Pean give excellent performances, and there's some okay acting by a couple other guys I didn't recognize, but the whole thing just dragged on and on. There was no real plot, and the whole thing just kinda ended after a while. I thought they were done at the two-hour point, but they dragged on for another hour after that. I miss the old-fashioned war movies, where there was a definite plot, less gore, heroic heroes, and you felt good watching it. After all, movies are supposed to be entertainment.