
Starring: Trey Parker, Dian Bachar

Directed by: Trey Parker

Produced by: Avenging Conscience

Distributed by: October Films

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: October 31, 1998
Viewing Location: East Village, NYC Grade: A-
Summary: Hilarious tale of the porn industry.
From one of the makers of South Park, this is an earlier work that has managed to see the light of day, albeit barely. It's a story about a Mormon missionary who gets dragged into porn industry, and while there's hardly any nudity, the adult content slaps the movie with an NC-17 rating. Go figure. Still, it would not surprise me at all to see this on late-night TV down the road, as it's very campy and extremely funny in places, and while "cult classic" may be a bit premature for the flick, it should at least be considered a contender. 

A- A- A-
Review by Jessamine Date seen: September 30, 1999
Viewing Location: Santa Barbara, CA Grade: A-
Summary: Wonderfully outrageous.
This movie delivered much more than I expected. It was so funny.... I had to search until I found a copy on VHS to buy ..... 

A- A- A-
Review by smeehrrr Date seen: January 25, 2000
Viewing Location: The Evil Empire Grade: A-
Summary: How would Heavenly Father be served by me writing a review?
This a damn funny movie. Damn funny. For a movie about the porn industry, there's surprisingly little nudity. And you have to look at Ron Jeremy from time to time, which is a definite negative. But it's really funny, so that makes up for these minor flaws.  

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