Blast from the Past

Starring: Christopher Walken, Brendan Fraser, Sissy Spacek, Alicia Silverstone, Dave Foley

Directed by: Hugh Wilson

Produced by: New Line Cinema, Midnight Sun Pictures, Forge

Distributed by: New Line Cinema

Genre: romance

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: February 13, 1999
Viewing Location: Union Square, NJ Grade: A
Summary: Brendan scores again!
Brendan Frasier plays a very naive 35-yr-old guy who has spent his entire life in a fallout shelter. His parents are very well cast as a stereotypical 1962 couple, Christopher Walken and Sissy Spacek. Walken is always great, of course. What happens is that the father confuses an airplane crashing into house to the apocalypse, and locks himself and his pregnant wife into the fallout shelter. The time locks open after 35 years. Brendan has to go out and explore the world, and he meets up with a young lovely girl who helps him deal, played by Alicia Silverstone. The script's pretty funny and the late 50's and early 60's references are very campy. There's even some swing dancing for you fad-loving maniacs. All in all I found it very enjoyable.  

B+ B+ B+
Review by smeehrrr Date seen: February 2, 2000
Viewing Location: The Evil Empire Grade: B+
Summary: Sweet but not syrupy
This is an amusing, fluffy, somewhat romantic comedy. Excellent late-night popcorn-eating rental material for those days when you don't want to think too much. 

A- A- A-
Review by Z Date seen: December 14, 2000
  Grade: A-
Summary: brendan fraser rules
Brendan Fraser brings one of two things to every role I've seen him play: a kind-hearted sensibility, or a macho, wisecracking frat boy posturing. This movie is him in the former mode at his best. He has excellent comic timing and delivery. Excellent basic moviemaking around a simple comedic hook. 

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