Thirteenth Floor, The

Starring: Craig Bierko, Vincent D'Onofrio

Directed by: Josef Rusnak

Produced by: Centropolis Film Productions

Distributed by: Columbia, Sony, Trimark

Genre: science fiction

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: May 30, 1999
Viewing Location: West New York, NJ Grade: A-
Summary: An intellectual sci-fi flick about virtual reality.
This is the third movie this year dealing with the subject of virtual reality. From an intellectual point of view, this one gives the best delivery; it's a very smart, almost believeable story. The acting is pretty well done, and the direction is very nice as well. What I didn't like was that the trailer for the film pretty much exposed the whole story; I really hate it when they do that. Also, there's not as much special effects and violence as in The Matrix; this movie is more for the storyline only. Still, they did an excellent job delivering it. 

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