Green Hornet, The

Starring: Cameron Diaz, Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Christoph Waltz

Directed by: Michel Gondry

Produced by: Columbia Pictures Corporation, Original Film

Distributed by: Columbia

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B+ B+ B+
Review by Xibo Date seen: January 30, 2011
Viewing Location: theater Grade: B+
Summary: Better than I expected
It was really good, a lot of fun. Sure, Seth Rogen plays a bumbling rich idiot and that's not a lot of fun to watch, but Jay Chou is excellent as Kato and steals the show. You also have to put up with a few scenes with Cameron Diaz. It has great action scenes and car chase scenes, which definitely make it worth seeing.  

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