Iron Man

Starring: Jeff Bridges, Robert (Jr.) Downey, Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard

Directed by: Jon Favreau

Produced by: Marvel Entertainment

Distributed by: Paramount

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: June 22, 2008
Viewing Location: Kip's Bay, NYC Grade: A-
Summary: Very well done, no real flaws.
An exciting movie that deals with Iron Man's origins and ties him to the war in Afghanistan. You can see the bad guy coming a mile away, and some of the story is contrived and not very inspiring, but the rest of the movie more than makes up for that. Excellent cameo by Jim Cramer bashing Stark Enterprises on Mad Money. Very well put together, an excellent and fun film. 

Review by Finrod Date seen: July 1, 2008
Viewing Location: theater Grade: A
Summary: The movie without which we wouldn't have had any other Marvel movies
This movie reminded me a lot of Die Hard in certain ways. From what I understand, large parts of both were improvised, and they both defined the genres of one-man-against-an-evil-plot and the modern superhero movie respectively. Robert Downey Jr. plays Tony Stark like he was born to play the role; it becomes nigh impossible to even try to imagine anyone else being in that role. Clark Gregg defines Agent Coulson almost as well as Downey does Stark, so well that it carries him all the way through Avengers and into Agents of SHIELD. It's no exaggeration at all to say that if this movie had not been a success, we wouldn't have the stable of Marvel movies that we have today.  

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