
Starring: Matthew Broderick, Reese Witherspoon, Loren Nelson, Chris Klein, Phil Reeves, Delaney Driscoll, Mark Harelik

Directed by: Alexander Payne

Produced by: Paramount Pictures, MTV Films, Bona Fide Productions

Distributed by: Paramount

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



C+ C+ C+
Review by Xibo Date seen: May 13, 1999
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: C+
Summary: A very aggravating story.
Matthew Broderick, in a bizarre twist, plays a stodgy middle-aged high school teacher who has to deal with an upstart student. The student in question is one of those blonde overacheiver ice maidens that everyone hates, and her goal is to win the election for class president. To keep her from total domination, the teacher decides to convince the injured football team captain and all-around goody-goody-two-shoes to run against her. More interestingly, said captain's younger sister is a budding dyke, who is in lust with a girl who has decided she's done experimenting and now wants a real boy-- say, an injured football team captain. Okay, it's all very confused and involved, and had the makings of an excellent film, but I prefer Broderick in a hero role, and every scene with the ice maiden in it was sheer torture: likes nails across a blackboard. Sigh.  

Review by hughjtoad Date seen: January 21, 2000
Viewing Location: California Grade: A
Summary: an excellent film
Good characters, intriguing story, but not dry or boring. Enjoyed it from beginning to end. Reese Witherspoon is chilling and pathetic at the same time, and Matthew broderick finally does something to make up for Godzilla (but he still owes us all for Inspector Gadget).  

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