
Starring: Dwight Yoakam, Amy Smart, Jason Statham

Produced by: Lakeshore Entertainment, Lions Gate Films Inc.

Distributed by: Lion's Gate

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B- B- B-
Review by Xibo Date seen: March 3, 2007
Viewing Location: PPV Grade: B-
Summary: Fair action vehicle for Statham.
If you're a fan of Jason Statham (The Transporter) like I am, then you'll probably want to see every film he stars in. Well this one's pretty much on the chaotic side, as he plays a hitman who's been poisoned, and the only way to delay the poison is to keep his adrenaline levels highly elevated. This leads to lots of fight scenes, chase scenes, gunfights, and even a sex scene. The whole movie's a farce and should not be taken seriously. The cinematography was much like a bad acid trip in places, which was more distracting than anything. Amy Smart plays the bubblehead girlfriend and Dwight Yoakam plays the doctor. And of course, gangs of bad guys.  

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