Thank You for Smoking

Starring: Robert Duvall, William H. Macy, Rob Lowe, Katie Holmes, Maria Bello, Sam Elliott

Distributed by: 20th Century Fox

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: November 28, 2006
Viewing Location: PPV Grade: A-
Summary: Very amusing portrayal of a spin doctor.
We don't often get to see how these masters of public relations communication work. We would see it sometimes on West Wing, which makes it amusing that Rob Lowe had a small part here. Aaron Eckhart's portrayal of a spin doctor as master of his art is absolutely fantastic. It's a great story, too. 

A- A- A-
Review by feoh Date seen: June 20, 2006
Viewing Location: Kendall Landmark Theater Grade: A-
Summary: Lobbyists and the whacked out causes they champion
This movie is all about Nick Nailer. He's a tobacco lobbyist. While telling the story of Nick's life, this film does a great job at presenting the warped world of Washington lobbyists. Nick meets with two friends regularly, a lady who's a lobbyist for big alchohol and a guy who's a lobbyist for the firearms industry. If you enjoy irony in your movies, definitely go see this film It's practically dripping with it from the first scene on in. Dark humor, lots of cynicism and a decent story left me entertained and happy after seeing this one. I'd recommend it, though it's not a film classic fo rall time. 

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