Something's Gotta Give

Starring: Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves, Amanda Peet, Frances McDormand

Directed by: Nancy Meyers

Produced by: Warner Bros., Columbia Pictures Corporation

Distributed by: Columbia, Sony

Genre: romance

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: January 4, 2003
Viewing Location: PPV Grade: B
Summary: A cute feel-good flick.
This movie is not particularly memorable. The actors play stereotypical versions of roles they've played in the past, so they're not working very hard. The drama is not very heavy. Basically, it's a lot of fluff. A cute story, with heavy emphasis on the all-white theme of Keaton vs. the all-black theme of Nicholson. Peet and Reeves confuse things with their transgenerational romances, but they're all doomed to failure, so there's only one way this movie is going to go. So, no surprises there. That said, it still is a fun movie, with fun actors to watch. 

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