Herbie: Fully Loaded

Starring: Matt Dillon, Michael Keaton, Lindsay Lohan

Produced by: Walt Disney Productions

Distributed by: Buena Vista

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: January 2, 2006
Viewing Location: PPV Grade: A-
Summary: Very cute movie, bringing back Herbie.
Herbie movies were classic examples of highly entertaining Disney films, and they've done a good job bringing back the animated VW Bug in this movie. Lindsay Lohan plays the daughter in a racing family and the hero of the film, while Matt Dillon plays the bad guy, a NASCAR champion. Michael Keaton plays her father, but not very well. Mostly, the interaction is between Dillon, who is very frustrated that he's losing races to a VW Bug, and Lohan, who develops a secret persona as a racer, since her father doesn't want her to get into the industry. Anyway, the movie is great fun, and NASCAR fans will love the bits where Herbie competes in a NASCAR race, with cameos by various drivers, including Jeff Gordon.  

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