Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous

Starring: William Shatner, Sandra Bullock, Treat Williams

Produced by: Village Roadshow Productions, Castle Rock Entertainment, Fortis Films, NPV Entertainment

Distributed by: Warner Bros.

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



C+ C+ C+
Review by Xibo Date seen: January 1, 2006
Viewing Location: PPV Grade: C+
Summary: A pale shadow of the original.
The first movie was a lot of fun. This one was not so much. Many scenes truly felt forced, and the plotline was so straightforward as to be dull. Bullock and Shatner were fun to watch onscreen, certainly, but the rest of the movie was just a little to drab to really enjoy. Certainly glad I didn't see this one in the theater!  

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