Son of the Mask

Directed by: Lawrence Guterman

Produced by: New Line Cinema

Distributed by: New Line Cinema

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



C+ C+ C+
Review by Dream Date seen: May 15, 2005
Viewing Location: at home - (netflix) Grade: C+
Summary: Amusing, but better suited for kids
I'm always leery of sequels that don't have any of the original folks in it, but Alan Cumming makes up for most of the shortcomings in the movie. I could ignore the graphic issues somewhat since they did reasonably well in creating the baby character. Sure sometimes I cringed at how cgi it looked, but over all, they did pretty good. I know it is difficult and definitely not quite 'mastered' territory (recreating humans, especially babies, in cgi). Story was ok, kept it moving along. I watched the ‘deleted scenes’ and in most cases, I agree with them being cut. I do wish they had put some of the odd Loki stuff back in, as Cumming is a riot when he is let loose. Ah well. Not a bad movie, certainly better than I thought it’d be, but not terribly great either. 

Review by Finrod Date seen: May 15, 2005
Viewing Location: netflix Grade: B
Summary: Somewhat contrived, but better than I expected
Most movie sequels that don't have the leads in them are doomed from the start. Animated babies are also low on the list of 'things that make a good movie', as well, but somehow this movie manages to mostly but not quite overcome both of those problems. Alan Cumming is perfect as Loki, and we also get Ben Stein back for a scene.  

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