House of Flying Daggers

Distributed by: Sony, Focus Features

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: January 15, 2005
Viewing Location: DVD Grade: A-
Summary: Excellent cinematography.
The colors and images are simply amazing, truly beautiful to look at. It's rare to have movies with such excellent cinematography, and the good grades based on this alone.

The rest of the movie... corny plot, weak dialogue, strange direction (going through four seasons in a couple days was a bit much)... all were good, but not great. But the cinematography alone makes this movie worth seeing, preferably in high def.  

Review by hughjtoad Date seen: February 23, 2007
Viewing Location: home Grade: B
Summary: nice action scenes but otherwise lacking
The action scenes were nice, the photography was good, but the overall tone was more of a B movies than a first-class feature. I ended up watching it in four different segments; it does drag along in a few parts.  

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