Ghost Ship

Starring: Gabriel Byrne

Produced by: Warner Bros., Village Roadshow Productions, NPV Entertainment

Distributed by: Warner Bros.

Genre: horror

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B+ B+ B+
Review by Kallen Date seen: 0, 0000
Viewing Location: Berkeley, CA Grade: B+
Summary: Excellent 'B'-grade Horror
Barring something like 'Alien', which transcended the genre, about all you can ask from a horror flick is that it be scary and not too contradictory. Ghost Ship is scary. The opening scene is also bloody in the extreme, though the rest of the movie is strangely lacking in gore. Best of all, Ghost Ship sets up the rules by which it will operate, and then it follows those rules. People die, of course, but they don't die stupidly (for the most part). The ending has the usual twist, but it's a clever usual twist. And, metaphysically speaking, it's quite satisfying. 

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