Bad Boys II

Starring: Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Joe Pantoliano

Directed by: Michael Bay

Produced by: Columbia Pictures Corporation, Jerry Bruckheimer Films

Distributed by: Columbia, Sony

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: July 19, 2003
Viewing Location: Battery Park, NYC Grade: A-
Summary: Great fun, not taken seriously.

A quick and easy sequel to Bad Boys? Yep. A promotion tool for Joe Pantoliano and his new TV series? Yep. Rappin' soundtrack? Yep. Lots of explosions, gunfights, buddy cop fun? You bet.

Just don't take it all too seriously, as the storyline is fairly ridiculous, and is mostly a vehicle for the characters to pull off some of the craziest stunts I've ever seen. I had a great time, even if I really didn't feel much for the characters. 

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