Die Another Day

Starring: Pierce Brosnan, John Cleese, Halle Berry, Judi Dench, Michael Madsen, Samantha Bond, Toby Stephens, Rosamund Pike, Rick Yune, NFN Madonna

Directed by: Lee Tamahori

Produced by: United Artists, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Danjaq Productions, Eon

Distributed by: MGM-UA

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B- B- B-
Review by Jigen Date seen: December 9, 2002
Viewing Location: Burlington - Cascade Grade: B-
Summary: An exersize in "What the hell!?!"
Uhhmmm.. Well, let's start by saying that I'm glad they got back to Bond being Bond. He's the super-smooth super agent that we expect in these films, but there is a slight twist to things at the beginning. Unfortunatly, that doesn't last too long and we are in for pretty much standard James Bond fair. This time around the cheese factor is high - so a good humored approach is probably required. There are probably too many good laughs in this movie at some of the absolutely ridiculous crap that gets pulled off to really rate this well... it's just too campy. (SPOILER 1) Watch for a random snowmobiler in a yellow jumpsuit. (SPOILER 2) When killing one of the baddies, James gets him to drive off a high ledge to his apparent death. Instead, the bad guy ACTUALLY SURVIVES and swims out. So, to increase the degree of difficulty, James, while driving around a circle at probably 20mph, fires his gun out the passenger side window of his car, at an impossible angle, to shoot down an ice chandelier on the bad guys head. Classic. 

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