Transporter, The

Starring: Jason Statham, Qi Shu, Matt Schulze, Francois Berleand, Ric Young

Directed by: Corey Yuen

Produced by: Canal Plus Image International, Current Entertainment

Distributed by: 20th Century Fox

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: October 13, 2002
Viewing Location: Upper East Side, NYC Grade: A
Summary: An excellent action-packed movie about a wheelman's bad day.
Jason Statham, who's had minor roles in martial arts films in the past, really shines in this role. He's a transporter, which is basically a driver who arranges the transport of stolen goods, or sometimes a general driver. He's really, really good at what he does, with some great chase scenes through a french town. Qi Shu plays a very cute asian babe that's easy to lust after, and Jason's character falls for her easily. Matt Schulze plays the bad guy, who carries quite a large arsenal of weaponry. Corey Yuen's credentials before making this movie consist mostly of Hong Kong martial-arts flicks, and this is a good step into the american mainstream. The movie didn't do great in the box office, having no star power to back it up, but hopefully it gets discovered more over time, as there certainly is plenty of talent here. Perhaps the best movie so far this year, although Minority Report was close.  

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