Monsters, Inc.

Starring: Steve Buscemi, John Goodman, Frank Oz, Billy Crystal, James Coburn, Jennifer Tilly

Directed by: Peter Docter, David Silverman

Produced by: Walt Disney Productions, Pixar Animation Studios

Distributed by: Buena Vista

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: November 25, 2001
Viewing Location: Union Square, NYC Grade: B
Summary: Cute, funny, but mostly a Billy Crystal movie.
Billy Crystal plays a one-eyed green monster comedian (I know, it's a stretch), teaming up with John Goodman as a pair of monsters working for Monsters, Inc., in the business of scaring children to capture their screams and convert them to power.

That's all very involved, but supplies the framework to have Pixar show off their new computer graphics (now featuring furry animals). Overall I wasn't that impressed by the graphics, but the movie seems to be doing well enough to justify the method.

The movie itself is just a vehicle for Billy Crystal to tell jokes and be funny, and he's not that funny anymore. The rest of the cast is really overshadowed by him, too.  

Review by mafioso83 Date seen: November 16, 2001
Viewing Location: Brooklyn Grade: B
Summary: It's alright
I only went to see it because my little sister made me take her. It was funny and the story was good but I wasn't too crazy about it. It's good for the audience it was intended for. 

Review by Finrod Date seen: December 15, 2001
Viewing Location: Atlanta theater Grade: A
Summary: Another good Pixar flick
Usually movies where a kid is a main character annoy the fsck out of me, but since this is animated and the kid is not old enough to make sentences yet, this one escapes that fate. The fact that I've watched it or parts of it numerous times on the satellite movie channels since then more than justifies a good grade for it.  

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