Tomb Raider

Starring: Jon Voight, Angelina Jolie, Noah Taylor, Chris Barrie, Daniel Craig

Directed by: Simon West

Produced by: Paramount Pictures, Lawrence Gordon Productions, Mutual Film Company

Distributed by: Paramount

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: June 23, 2001
Viewing Location: 42nd St Ewalk, NYC Grade: A-
Summary: Blasting great fun, like 'The Mummy'
Angelina Jolie does a great job playing the Indiana-Jones style badass as the high-tech well-financed extremely-well-trained thief in "Tomb Raider". The movie itself drags in places where it concerns itself with explanations of Lara's motivations and her relationship with her dead father. Total suspension of disbelief is required here, as things happen that just aren't possible, but they never bother to explain that it's really magic (they should have)... anyway, when the action picks up, it's great fun.

As an added bonus, her butler is played by the same guy who played Rimmer in the british sci-fi comedy "Red Dwarf". 

B+ B+ B+
Review by Finrod Date seen: April 23, 2003
Viewing Location: dvd Grade: B+
Summary: Pure action fluff
What do you expect from a movie made from a run-jump-shoot video game? This is an action movie, pure and simple; if you're looking for a Best Picture kind of movie, look elsewhere. Just float along with the action and enjoy it.  

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