Vertical Limit

Starring: Bill Paxton, Robin Tunney, Chris O'Donnell, Stuart Wilson, Scott Glenn

Directed by: Martin Campbell

Produced by: Columbia Pictures Corporation

Distributed by: Columbia, Sony

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B- B- B-
Review by Xibo Date seen: December 27, 2000
Viewing Location: Battery Park, NYC Grade: B-
Summary: Over the top rescue flick.
Why does it make sense to kill six people in order save one? I don't understand! Why do these people climb mountains when it ends up in death so often? I don't understand! How do mountain climbers live long enough to get to be experienced? I don't understand! Why is every save by the hair of their teeth? I don't understand! Pretty exciting, edge of your seat stuff, and great scenic views of tallest mountains on the planet, but I still don't understand the movie...  

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