
Starring: Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Spencer Treat Clark, Robin Wright

Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan

Produced by: Touchstone Pictures

Distributed by: Buena Vista, Disney

Genre: drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B+ B+ B+
Review by Xibo Date seen: November 22, 2000
Viewing Location: El Paso, TX Grade: B+
Summary: Fairly dramatic, but not as gripping as Sixth Sense.
It may be unfair to compare this to Sixth Sense, but since Shyamalan is returning with Bruce Willis and a young boy actor with three names, it is hard to resist... anyway in this film Bruce Willis plays a troubled middle-aged man who meets a middle-aged black man (played by Jackson). Jackson's character is pessimistic, cynical, and is constantly suffering injuries. Willis's character seems to be impervious to injury, although it is never made clear if this is merely luck, or something more. What develops is how the characters learn what their roles in life are, which is fairly interesting.

There's a whole sidebar running through the movie about comic books, which really distracts us from the plot, although it was amusing to see the comic books were made to look similar to DC in logos and style, but obvious with totally made up names. 

C+ C+ C+
Review by Finrod Date seen: November 25, 2000
Viewing Location: Atlanta Grade: C+
Summary: Decent prequel, but
This entire movie seemed like nothing more than the prequel for something else. Perhaps once I see whatever follows it I'll like it better, but it doesn't stand alone on its own very well at all.  

B+ B+ B+
Review by Z Date seen: December 14, 2000
  Grade: B+
Summary: same formula as sixth sense, but reasonably entertaining

Review by Orion Date seen: July 17, 2001
Viewing Location: Orion's Bedroom Grade: B
Summary: Compelling, but in that 'hurry up and end I'm tired' kind of way
The whole time I was watching this movie I wanted it to get to the point. It was a lot of buildup to the last scene... a great scene, but still, too much build up. If it weren't so transparently a comic book movie, it might have been better. Or it might have been just stupid. I don't know. 

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