Disney's The Kid

Starring: Bruce Willis, Emily Mortimer, Lily Tomlin

Directed by: Jon Turteltaub

Produced by: Walt Disney Productions

Distributed by: Buena Vista, Disney

Genre: fantasy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: August 1, 2000
Viewing Location: 42nd St. Empire 25, NYC Grade: A
Summary: Heart-warming tear-jerker
Who would have thought a goofy Disney movie would bring a tear to my eye? Me, who prefers explosions and action/adventure flicks! Go figure!

Bruce Willis gives an exceptional performance here. I've always known he was a great actor-- I loved him in Hudson Hawk! But the general public didn't think he was much more than the Die Hard action hero until last year's The Sixth Sense, another one of his great performances.

Lily Tomlin does a superb job as his foil, she's a true veteran, and even though this role reprises her stint in 9 to 5, it was still a blast to watch. Newcomer Emily Mortimer was easy on the eyes, although her role was purely fluff.

The best part was the script, an excellent story as our hero confronts his inner child, and learns to deal with the issues affecting his life and his mid-life crisis. I found myself really caring what happened!  

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