Mr. Payback: An Interactive Movie

Starring: Christopher Lloyd

Directed by: Bob Gale

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: February 25, 1995
Viewing Location: Chelsea, NYC Grade: D
Summary: Such a stupid idea, they never did it again.
The world's first interactive movie, as it is billed, isn't really very interactive after all. At various points in the movie you make choices for the lead character by pressing buttons. However, you either vote for what the majority in the audience wants, or you lose. In my case, there was a gang that was half the audience, and they would team up and force all of the selections in their favor. So it's not really interactive. At the end, the movie gives a score and compares the audience to other theaters where the movie is playing, which I felt was extremely hokey and worthless. Interactive movies will make more sense for home video, where the viewers actually *do* get to choose what happens, but for a large viewing audience, it's a joke. Also, the "movie" is a mere 25 minutes long. You have to watch it several times to see the different plots. 

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