Quick and the Dead, The

Starring: Gene Hackman, Sharon Stone, Gary Sinise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Pat Hingle, Russell Crowe, Kevin Conway

Directed by: Sam Raimi

Produced by: TriStar Pictures

Distributed by: TriStar

Genre: western

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: February 13, 1995
Viewing Location: Starkville, MS Grade: A-
Summary: DiCaprio used to be quite talented, like in this film.
Sharon Stone gives a surprisingly good performance as a woman out for revenge in a tale of the wild west. The story is about a man who owns a small town and holds a quick-draw dueling contest to see who has the fastest gun in town. Several amusing character actors have bit parts in the movie, making it amusing to watch. Plus, the direction is top-notch; it keeps everything moving and exciting, and eerily unreal in places. It's the same director as "Army of Darkness".  

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