Jerky Boys, The

Starring: Alan Arkin

Directed by: James Melkonian

Produced by: Caravan Pictures, Touchstone Pictures

Distributed by: Buena Vista

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: February 3, 1995
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: B
Summary: Goofy comedy featuring local NYC comedians.
This movie catered towards high-school teens that like to cuss and have no respect for anyone. At the door to the movie, they were checking ID's, as it was rated R and hundreds of underage kids were just dying to get in. The movie is about a couple of losers from Queens who have nothing better to do with their lives than to make crank phone calls. The same thing they were doing when they were little kids, 20 years ago. They get into some trouble when they make a call on a mob boss. Overall, the movie is pretty fun in places, but not great. 

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