Limey, The

Starring: Terence Stamp, Peter Fonda, Luis Guzman

Directed by: Steven Soderbergh

Produced by: Artisan Entertainment

Distributed by: Artisan

Genre: crime drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B+ B+ B+
Review by Xibo Date seen: October 30, 1999
Viewing Location: Angelika, NYC Grade: B+
Summary: A decent father-revenge flick.
Terence Stamp plays a really mean old man in this indie arthouse flick about a father who seeks revenge on his daughter's killers. The father isn't your typical good guy though; he's actually fresh out of prison. And although he's old, he's still extremely tough, and it's great fun to watch him make quick work of all of the bad guys. 

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