Muriel's Wedding

Starring: Toni Collette

Directed by: P. J. Hogan

Produced by: Miramax Films

Distributed by: Miramax, Roadshow

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: March 25, 1995
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A
Summary: Australian ugly-duckling comedy.
This is an Australian film about an ugly duckling of a woman whose primary goal in life is to get married. She obsesses about this to an unhealthy degree. She suffers the rejection of her beautiful friends, thinking they are the perfect ones and she is the one that is the nothing. This is a movie about self-discovery, finding a purpose in life, a reason for living, and learning what is important and what is just shallow. There is a lot of growth of characters, but not to the point where they become perfect. The movie maintains a sense of reality, mixed in with the chaos of some very oddball characters. It's an adorable feel-good film, and not sappy or sweet. 

Review by tmon Date seen: June 21, 2000
Viewing Location: NYC Grade: A
Summary: Sad and funny
And very worth watching. "I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats", but I digress... I have watched quite a few Australian exports including "Ballroom Dancing" and "Welcome to Whoop Whoop". The Aussie's know how to make flicks, but Muriel's Wedding takes the cake. Be in for a surprise or two. But this will speak to you and to all of the memories you have of people just not treating you right, and will gratify you to be able to relate to Muriel's situations. 

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