
Starring: Jeanne Tripplehorn, Kevin Costner

Directed by: Kevin Reynolds

Produced by: Universal Pictures

Distributed by: Universal

Genre: fantasy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: July 30, 1995
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A-
Summary: Poonlarp's favorite film!
Kevin Costner returns in the most expensive movie made to date. However, it's just a poorly-written science fantasy that doesn't even try to be realistic. One keeps expecting some really good movie-making but there's only so much you can do while floating in the water. Plus, nothing seems to make sense. How did the mariner get such a nice boat? How do people make a living when the entropy is so high? Sure, it had great special effects and sets, and the acting was okay, but the story just wasn't up to it.

All that said, it was still much better than most "B" movies. But I was expecting an A+ movie. 

B- B- B-
Review by tmon Date seen: August 4, 2000
Viewing Location: New York City Grade: B-
Summary: Lots of money for what?
A poorly remade Mad Max set on the ocean. 'Nuff said. 

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