Net, The

Starring: Sandra Bullock, Dennis Miller

Directed by: Irwin Winkler

Produced by: Columbia Pictures Corporation

Distributed by: Sony

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



B+ B+ B+
Review by Xibo Date seen: July 28, 1995
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: B+
Summary: Willing suspension of disbelief may be required!
Sandra Bullock plays a computer professional. Her occupation appears to be either an expert developer or a glorified alhpa-tester. In any case, while surfing the web she comes across a secret entrance to a computer system that is run by an evil underground computer group that conspires against the government. It's an exciting, fast-paced film about the web, hacking, and has strong statements about how computers control too much of our lives and invade our privacy. However parts of the movie are just too fake to stand, like an IP address in the 300's, etc. 

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