Skulls, The

Starring: William L. Petersen, Joshua Jackson, Craig T. Nelson, Paul Walker, Hill Harper, Steve Harris, Leslie Bibb

Directed by: Rob Cohen

Produced by: Universal Pictures, Original Film

Distributed by: Universal, 20th Century Fox

Genre: mystery

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: March 31, 2000
Viewing Location: Chelsea, NYC Grade: B
Summary: The star looks like beeb.
The star, Joshua Jackson, looks and acts a lot like my friend beeb, who is a law student. The similarities between the two were very amusing, which gave me a lot of amusement throughout the film. The movie itself is a formulaic secret-society tale, with poor cinematography. Maybe they just didn't have the right lenses, I dunno, but many scenes were just washed out or blurry or whatever. The sets were pretty cool though. 

Review by tmon Date seen: December 31, 2000
Viewing Location: NYC Grade: B
Summary: Secret clubs?
Well, we know they exist. I think that this is a bit overdone and way melodramatic, though, and tries too hard to take us into "the belly of the beast". Sigh. Next! 

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