Toy Story

Starring: Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Don Rickles

Directed by: John Lasseter

Produced by: Walt Disney Productions, Pixar Animation Studios

Distributed by: Buena Vista

Genre: fantasy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: November 24, 1995
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A
Summary: An instant classic that the marketing wizards loved.
What appears to be the first computer animated movie turns out to be a classic Disney film. They did an excellent job of putting together a nice story, great characterization, humor, and all without shoving morality down our throats. This is the first rated-G film I've actually really liked in many years. The story's about these toys who, ah, fret about a new toy being loved more than they are, and getting displaced. It's not very important compared to the actual storytelling. 

A- A- A-
Review by Finrod Date seen: April 23, 2003
Viewing Location: some theater Grade: A-
Summary: Great animated fun
This was Pixar's first big full-length movie, and they went all-out on it. My only annoyance was how it took forever for Buzz Lightyear to figure out who he was et al, so his posturing just ends up being annoying on re-watchings. Otherwise, it really couldn't have been better. Too bad Disney slapped their name all over it.  

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