Broken Arrow

Starring: Christian Slater, John Travolta, Delroy Lindo, Samantha Mathis, Howie Long

Directed by: John Woo

Produced by: 20th Century Fox, WCG Entertainment

Distributed by: 20th Century Fox

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: February 9, 1996
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A-
Summary: John Woo directs an american blockbuster.
John Travolta plays a stealth bomber pilot that turns renagade in an attempt to steal the nuclear warheads on board and use them to hold a major american city hostage. His co-pilot, played by Christian Slater, sets out to stop him. This is action-packed from the word go, which is to be expected because it is a John Woo film. This flick will keep you on the edge of your seats, and Slater is lovable as ever.  

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