Executive Decision

Starring: Oliver Platt, Kurt Russell, Halle Berry, Steven Seagal, John Leguizamo

Directed by: Stuart Baird

Produced by: Warner Bros., Silver Pictures

Distributed by: Warner Bros.

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: March 18, 1996
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A
Summary: Kurt Russell, Steven Seagal, Oliver Platt-- how can you go wrong?
Kurt Russel stars in this suspenseful movie about a commando crew that is chosen to infiltrate a transatlantic jumbo jet in flight, in hopes of defeating the hijackers and the disabling the bomb that is carried on board. Steven Seagal plays the role of the lead commando, but unfortunately this is more of a cameo appearance than anything. It's a pretty exciting and tense film, leading to a dramatic finish. One of the interesting characters is the engineer, who ends up on the plane by mistake, and has to play a critical role in the mission; he reminded me of many computer and military enthusiasts I've known in the past. 

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